Lady from Murgod

Lady from Murgod

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Marina Bandar !!!!

Marina Bandar !!!

Marina Bandar ! !

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Amaryllis...Waterfront ...

This Awesome view is the brainchild of a childhood friend from Goa whom we bumped into ,the last time we were in Goa..I met him after years when we went to see a museum he owns and he was kind enough to take us all to have a peek at yet another project with this panoramic view..He is an avid fan of Antonio Gaudi but somehow his vision, nestling among this quaint village near Calangute,tho' influenced by a lot of artists holds its own ... ...Will hound him this year too and have a look at the finished project ...Proud of him !

Dona Paula

Entrance to the Grand Mosque

The Grand Mosque of Muscat

Marina Bandar !

Meandering mind ....

Hi!  My name is Sharmila and i am from India ...I 've been in Muscat in the Sultanate of Oman for almost 10 years now ...Muscat (Arabic: مسقط, Masqaṭ) is the capital of Oman.. It  is  a neat and clean town surrounded by mountains on all sides ...The plethora of Mountains ,Souks( markets) ,Beaches , Museums , Restaurents etal make Oman an interesting place to live .. I will take u on a pictorial tour of Muscat soon ...:)

Let me first tell u about my home town Goa...



Ceramic Bowls

Grounded Dhows !

Gecko !

Omani Boy !

Marissa ..

Mosaic clock ..

Sameera ..

Sharbat Gula !

Lambani woman

Old Man

Rajasthani girl

Omani sheik

Homage to Mario Miranda

Ceramic friends ...:)

Tea Pot

Ceramic Tea light holder...